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About Michael

Michael Howarth's Biography


Michael Howarth is a novelist and essayist. His short stories and essays have appeared in such publications as Tulsa Review, Mud Luscious, Cybersoleil Literary Journal, Cave Region Review, DASH Literary Journal, Farmhouse Magazine, and Concho River Review. He is the author of two critical texts, Under the Bed, Creeping: Psychoanalyzing the Gothic in Children’s Literature and Movies to See before You Graduate from High School. He is also the author of Fair Weather Ninjas, a young adult novel. His latest book, a gothic historical novel titled A Still and Awful Red, was published in 2021.


Michael grew up in Falmouth, Massachusetts, spending his summers on the beaches of Cape Cod where he developed an affinity for classic literature, an obsession with horror films, a fondness for diverse foods, and a deep love of traveling. He holds a Bachelor’s Degree in English from James Madison University, an MFA in Creative Writing & Literary Arts from the University of Alaska at Anchorage, and a Ph.D. in Literary and Cultural Studies from the University of Louisiana at Lafayette. Currently, he is a Professor of English at Missouri Southern State University where he teaches Children’s Literature and Film Studies in addition to directing the Honors Program. 

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